Downtown Yokohama
Part of the JAMSTEC facility
The reception in the JAMSTEC Guest House on the first night (sponsored by JAXA)
The Earth Simulator computer system at JAMSTEC. It has 640 processors. It was the fastest in the world when installed; now it's the 7th fastest.
Dinner in Yokohama
The following pictures are from an excursion to Kamakura (south of Yokohma), home to five historic Zen temples. Most of the pictures are from Engaku-Ji Temple.
Some of the Asia CliC and IGOS Cryosphere meeting participants.
A big bell
A carefully groomed sand and rock garden at the Meigetsu-In Garden.
Having lunch at a traditional Japanese restaurant
One of our guides' son (almost 3 years old)
Kencho-Ji Temple
A long shopping street in Kamakura