Contact Us
Questions? Send a message here or to one of the people listed below.
Jeff Key, Chair
1225 West Dayton St.
Madison, WI 53706 USA
Phone: (608) 263-2605
FAX: (608) 262-5974
email: jkey@ssec.wisc.edu
Mark Drinkwater, Vice-chair
European Space Agency
The Netherlands
email: Mark.Drinkwater@esa.int
Jinro Ukita, Vice-chair Chiba University
email: jukita@faculty.chiba-u.jp
Vladimir Ryabinin
World Climate Research Programme
Geneva, Switzerland
email: VRyabinin@wmo.int
Barry Goodison
Meteorological Service of
Chair of the CliC Science Steering Group
email: barry.goodison@ec.gc.ca
Colin Summerhayes
SCAR Executive Director
Scott Polar Research Institute
United Kingdom
email: cps32@cam.ac.uk
Victoria Lytle
Director, CliC International Project Office
Tromso, Norway
email: victoria.lytle@npolar.no
Don Hinsman
WMO (liaison to IGOS)
email: DHinsman@wmo.int